Community issues are accelerating. Complex stresses are emerging. There is an urgent need for good civic discourse and innovative civic action. Our solution is a theory of change that asks deep questions - such as, ‘what is the foundation of common life?’ - and connects people and processes to immediate civic concerns. Together we can strengthen civic bonds and create more optimum futures.

Will you join us?


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here are things you can do:

  • Tell your friends about us!

  • Sign up to receive announcements and our monthly newsletter.

  • Follow us on social media.

  • Make a tax-deductible gift that strengthens community.

  • Sponsor our programming and help underwrite initiatives.

  • Connect us to people who can help move our organization forward.

  • Share your ideas with us and volunteer in our efforts.

Be part of our mission. We would be grateful if you did.



One of the great influences in my life was my undergraduate education. I studied history and philosophy of religion. I loved everything about my experience: conversations with friends, interactions with my teachers, opportunities to learn. The motto of my college was Fiat Lux - “Let There Be Light” - and inscribed on a pathway for all to see was the phrase “Life is for Service.”

I’ve been at my best when those values have guided me. I believe that is true of communities as well.

The Charlotte Center for the Humanities & Civic Imagination brings people together so we can live more meaningful and optimum lives. The Charlotte Center serves as a catalyst for connection, great ideas, and inspired action.

Why? Because that is the only way that we thrive. Great communities are places of culture and commerce in service to humane ideals. The humanities - literature, history, philosophy, law, politics, religion, and art - offer wisdom and inform our imagination in transformative ways.

The hard work of learning and listening and working together for social good is necessary now more and ever. The Charlotte Center is committed to that work.

Please join us in bringing what light we can to the world.


Mark Peres

Thank you for the difference you make.


“I am saving my life by using my life in the service of what must be done.”

audre lorde


With gratitude to our partners